Because of you, she will have memories that last a lifetime. 

What a year! It’s been a year of breaking records at Traffick911. 

Friends, this year, we’ve walked alongside more kids, responded with law enforcement to more crisis recoveries, supported more caregivers, and celebrated more wins than ever before. We’ve also had the opportunity to create the most beautiful, meaningful memories with trafficked kids. 

Looking back at this year, I am grateful for you, our community of support. You have stood by us and felt the growing pains alongside us. You have prayed, celebrated, and braced us as we’ve grown like never before. 

Because of you...

🎁 She will remember her first birthday party ever at the age of 15.
🎁 She will remember how her advocate yelled at the top of her lungs at her high school graduation ceremony.
🎁 She will remember how she was brave enough to testify against her trafficker and watch as justice prevailed.
🎁 She will remember going to the water park, carving pumpkins at the lake, seeing Christmas lights, and sipping hot chocolate with her advocate. 

Because of you, she will have memories that last a lifetime. 

I don’t know how every story will unfold, but I do know that every kid we serve deserves people who will come together to fight for her. All kids should have and hold onto those memories—that’s what being a kid is all about. 

It’s natural to look into our work and only see the collateral damage left behind by traffickers. But one day, I was reminded by LaSonja, one of our advocates, that we actually get to see the collateral beauty of the lives of the kids we serve. 

Each of them deserves us, as a community, to step up and help in any way we can to ensure she has what she needs to heal and live the life every child deserves to live. They are brave, resilient, strong, funny, and true heroes of their story.  Every child deserves our very best. They deserve to be celebrated, they deserve to be kids, and they deserve all the credit for their healing. They deserve the world. Thank you for your partnership this year.

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